When I'd hear of people who listen to music as they write, I used to have one of two reactions, depending on the day:
1. For reals? How do they not get distracted? I, myself, have ADD tendencies thus I need complete silence to think. I get so distracted easily, y'all! You should see me when I go shopping... forget about trying to carry on a conversation with me.
2. Seriously? Can you say pretentious? When I'd visit an author's site and see a list of the songs they write to, I'd roll my eyes. Don't ask me why, but it just irked me.
But that was all before I found that album that perfectly complemented my novel: One Republic's Dreaming Out Loud. Gosh, I know, now you're rolling your eyes. It's old and, even though it has some pretty awesome (albeit mainstream) songs, they're totally played out. As in, I think "Stop and Stare" was probably played at least once every The Hills episode.
(Not that I'm admitting I ever watched The Hills or anything...)
But the lyrics are spot on and the music sets the perfect mood. Like when I hear "Prodigal," I see one particular airport scene playing right before my eyes. In the movie adaptation of my novel (ha! One can dream!), "Mercy" will play in the trailer that focuses on the romance. A few of the songs even gave me inspiration for future scenes. You seriously can't beat that.
Don't get me wrong; I still have trouble listening to music while writing as I mostly still end up singing along and losing my entire train of thought. But I'm getting better. And I figured, it's good for me to sharpen my focus.
So, to those writers whose musical choices I previously spurned, I'm sorry I was such a snoot. I get you now. I understand. Music sets the mood.
Now I'm off to download other albums. My writing will thank you, but my iTunes account most likely will not.
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