Friday, June 25, 2010

It's HERE!!!!

My friends, it has arrived! The novel, Corona by MJ Heiser (available on Amazon and Powell's) finally landed in my APO box and made it into my hot little hands.

Yes, dude, I designed that! I guess now I could say I'm published, cross that off my list, and call it good. But after reading my dear cousin's post about how it felt to see her words in print, I know simply designing a book cover isn't enough. Sure, it's fun and all that stuff, but it's not the same as seeing my own words inside.

Holding Corona in my hands made me all the more determined to free my novel out into the world. And why not? It's not a terrible story, and I at least wrote it semi-coherently. I've read novels on bestseller lists that are absolute crap, so why not my turd, eh?

So stay sane, stay hydrated, and stay tuned!


  1. I love the cover!

    I wish you luck on your journey to becoming published...stay positive. :)



  2. I have my eye on you... :-)
