Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am what I am...

Hi, my name's Wilette and I want to be a writer. Unfortunately, I get distracted quite easily. Take right now, for example. I should be writing additional scenes to my novel, but what am I doing instead? I'm snacking on my daughter's goldfish crackers and starting a new blog. I'm hopeless.

I've also been playing catch up with music lately. Since we moved to Germany (coming on two years now), I've found myself in this bubble of ignorance. We don't have German cable and the only t.v. we have is AFN satellite, which airs only a select few American shows but replaces product advertisements with unitentionally goofy military commercials. So James Morrison, who released his first album Undiscovered in 2007? I only *just* discovered him. I am way behind.

To make matters worse, the Media Gods That Be has banned anybody outside of the United States from watching anything on youtube so that the only version of Beyonce's Single Ladies video available has a leotarded Jonas freaking Brother in it. I am, quite frankly, appalled. And a little sick to my stomach.

I never thought I'd say this, but thank goodness for the wonderful Army Europe library system, a veritable Shangri-La of books, movies, music, magazines, newspapers, you name it. Their new system allows me to log on to the website, search for whatever the heck my heart desires at that very moment (i.e. Elmo & Abbie's Great Adventure), reserve it, and be able to pick it up a day or two later. The network involves the entire European library system, so if the book I want is in Schweinfurt, they'll send it down to our library. I am in love with this system hardcore!

The only problem now, though, is that just gives me more fodder for distraction. Ah well.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus H. Macy, what are writing! Looks intense.
    Good to see you're still on top of the design work.
